Worms in humans - symptoms, symptoms, treatment

It is a parasite infection is a large group of diseases, pathogens are microorganisms of the class protozoa and helminths (worms). Today it is known for more than 200 species of parasites, of which 70 types of know the territory of the european countries and Russia.

Parasites, if infiltrated in the human body, are developed and are supported by the account of the "exploitation" of the resources of your body, in exchange for poisons it the products of its life and causing multiple organ dysfunction and systems.

In the first phase of development worm infestations diagnosis of a disease almost irrealizáveis, because people still do not feel the presence of parasites and your well-being is satisfactory.

Parasitic infections

Even after some time, the man has not yet experiences the discomfort of the presence of parasites in the body, only, sometimes, can occur separate minor problems in the work of some organs and systems. In this case, an important factor is the consideration of your health. After all, even a slight discomfort can be the first signal of concern about the development of incipient disease.

More often than diagnose the infection by chance, as a result of a routine physical examination, or even when the person has asked for medical care in result of the dynamic descending fast general condition.

Classification parasites

All parasites are divided into:

  • the simplest of micro-organisms (Giardia, toxoplasma gondii, dysentery amoeba);
  • helminths (pinworms, roundworm, Toxocara)

Helminths – a very diverse group of parasites, which is characterized by different life cycles, biological characteristics, proliferation within the organism and the specific development in him. So, weigh the worms on different principles: its structure, life cycle, depending on the location of the parasite and the duration of the interaction of the organism of the host.

In biological principles are distinguished:

  1. Bio-helminths (beef and pork tapeworm, Echinococcus, opisthorchis). The life cycle of these parasites should be carried out in two or even three intermediate hosts, that is, in other living organisms.
  2. Geo-helminths (ascaris, genus meloidogyne, Ancylostoma). In the process of development does not require change of host, which are excreted along with fecal masses in the environment and are located in the soil, a particular temperature and humidity of the eggs develop the larvae. The eggs, which are living larvae, penetrate in the organism and occurs the next phase of its development.
  3. Contact helminths (pinworm, dwarf tapeworm) parasites stand out in the environment, along with the fecal masses, and in the case of non-compliance, personal hygiene products, infection occurs by oral-fecal, through, that is, the eggs of these parasites person eats. The main source of infection is dirty hands.

With the construction helminths are divided into:

  • nematode or worms (pinworms, roundworm,trichuris);
  • trematodes or flukes (schistosoma, opisthorchis, feline and siberian ulcer plaice);
  • cestodes or worms (Echinococcus, beef and pork tapeworm).

By the location in the body are distinguished:

  • intestinal helminths (pinworms, roundworm, beef and pork tapeworm);
  • outside-intestinal (alveolar, opisthorchiasis, trichinella).

Routes of infection of parasites

There are different methods of infection by worms:

  1. The intake of meat dishes, that have not undergone the quality of heat treatment, meat can be parasites, which are fixed firmly in the muscle of cattle and sheep, cattle, by the ingestion of flesh, the man infected by the pork meat and high-tapeworm, Echinococcus.
  2. The intake of water, salt, smoked sausage, a bit of soil and raw fish. Raw fish are opisthorchis and a large tapeworm, as the life cycle of these parasites involves the change of several masters, one of which is the fish.
  3. The use of raw water from unknown sources, washing the dishes, and fruits and vegetables in such water, for example, on vacation.
  4. While working in the garden without protective gloves of geo-helminths may fall into their hands, and through the hands in the mouth. You can also be infected by this type of parasites through dirty vegetables and fruit.
  5. Through contact with a pet. Dogs and pet cats are carriers and disseminators of many parasites. Especially should not allow the pet to save it in a bed, with people or allow them to lick the face and hands of the man.
  6. The source of infection can become infected individual in the acute helminths.

The symptoms of intestinal worms in adults


Signs of intestinal worms in humans manifest themselves already in the development phase of infection. Of course, some of the signs the body sends in the beginning of the disease, the most important, during the pay attention to them and interpret correctly. In the first stages of penetration of parasites in the body of an individual may experience mild symptoms, which can be taken as a consequence of other diseases:

  • quick fatigue;
  • frequent headaches;
  • the increasing weakness;
  • increased irritability;
  • the sleep disorder;
  • the reduction of weight for no apparent reason;
  • apathy and depression.

In the next step of development worm infestations, can occur general Allergy of the body. In the skin-to-skin patient appear several type of precipitation, in the clinical studies of the blood detects the increase of eosinophils, indicating the development of an allergic reaction.

When the parasite develops in the adult of an individual, and it is located in a certain body, then the symptoms appear that are specific to the area the presence of parasites. More often than helminths are in a design thin or thick intestine, for this, the characteristic symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as dyspeptic disorders (fermentation tanks and putrid phenomena):

  • pain in the region of the navel;
  • the loss or deterioration of appetite;
  • in some cases, increased appetite;
  • flatulence; rumbling and gurgling in the stomach;
  • constipation, and diarrhea;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • the swelling.

Passes itself to the development of anemia and hipovitaminose, since the man experiences the lack of nutrients, that intersect the parasites. In this case, the person feels:

  • the chronic fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • the increasing weakness;
  • headaches.

In heavy cases can occur the development of serious illnesses that require urgent treatment:

  • allergic myocarditis;
  • meningoencephalitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • the hepatitis or the violation of hemostasis;
  • hematuria (blood in the urine);
  • reducing the body's defenses (failure in the functioning of the immune system);
  • a disruption of the endocrine system;
  • the defeat of the lymph nodes.

Reducing the body's defenses increases the likelihood of developing viral and bacterial infections. And children parasites cause stunted physical and mental development. The symptoms of intestinal worms in humans have a general character, however, different types of parasites and their location in the body contributes to the development of characteristic symptoms from the side of the affected organs.

The itching

Clinical infestations by different species of parasites

Depending on the helminth ova, which dwells in the body, the symptoms may be the most diverse.

For example, when the enterobiasis of the main symptoms are:

  • itching in the area the anus;
  • the pain in the abdominal region;
  • wolverina girls to hit the parasites in the mucosa of the vagina.

The initial phase million with ascaris, which is called migration, is manifested in the form of:

  • lung diseases: bronchitis, laryngitis, or traqueíte.

When the intestinal form million with ascaris are observed:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • decreased appetite;
  • eruptions on the skin;
  • the increase of eosinophils in the blood.

In heavy cases occurs:

  • a violation of the integrity of the intestinal wall;
  • followed by the development of peritonitis and appendicitis (when you hit Ascaris in the appendix);
  • the liver;
  • intestinal obstruction (blockage of the lumen of the intestine).

When infected with the cestode (tape worms) in the defecation process along with the fecal masses, stand part of the actual parasite. In this scenario, you experience the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the increasing weakness;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • constipation, and diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • reduction of body mass.

During the progression of the disease can occur the development of severe anemia, that is called lack Of vitamin b 12 and iron.

Opisthorchis with its presence in the body can cause serious defeat bile ducts of the liver, gall bladder and ducts pancreatic. Once the presence of parasites in these organs creates an obstacle to the exit of the bile, then, develops cholecystitis; dyskinesia bile duct, pancreatitis. Inflammatory processes in these organs are accompanied by a temperature increase of indicators, the weight on the part of the hypochondrium, pain in the region of the gallbladder (biliary colic), nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea. The presence of Trichinella in the body causing a heavy muscles: intercostal, chewing, muscles of the tongue, the pharynx, the eyes, of the diaphragm.

The hookworm, trichuris, schistosoma, a large tapeworm cause in the body anemia, disbiose intestinal, vitamin deficiency, disturbance of the metabolism. And when the urine-sexual schistosomiasis appears the symptoms, such as urinating with blood.

When alveococcosis, Echinococcusoz, cysticercosis initial phase passes virtually asymptomatic, however, during the acute phase of development occurs suppuration, and rupture of small cysts of parasites, which leads to very serious consequences:

  • peritonitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • vascular damage and bleeding chronic of them (the hookworms feed on blood);
  • a shock to the central nervous system.

Roundworms Strongyloides cause the development of allergic reactions, the pathology of the biliary ways and the breach in the functioning of the digestive system.

A large tapeworm

The test, with which you can identify the presence of parasites in the body

With this test may reveal the presence of parasites in the body. For this, you only have to answer the following questions:

  1. Can occur if you have itching in the area anus?
  2. There are eruptions on the skin?
  3. Do you feel nausea?
  4. There is vomiting?
  5. If the insomnia?
  6. There is bitterness in the mouth? And how many times?
  7. Increased if the lymph nodes?
  8. As often arise muscle pain? What is your intensity?
  9. You may experience loss of body mass?
  10. Can occur any loss of appetite?
  11. If such symptoms, such as tiredness, fatigue, diminished concentration and the state of operation?

If you received the 10 answers in the affirmative, we can suppose that the presence of a worm infection with a high degree of probability. All of these symptoms are observed in the acute phase of the disease development. Since in this period of helminths most active and affect the body.

The prevention of anti-worm invasions

Prevention helminths before it all comes down to compliance with the rules of personal hygiene:

  • frequent handwashing;
  • frequent changes thick and bed linen;
  • timely and quality, the cleaning service of the premises;
  • the individual use of everyday objects: towels, dishes, and PR.;
  • timely de-worming of pets;
  • quality of heat treatment of meat products and fish;
  • the refusal of the intake of raw fish, take care in the food, saltwater fish, and smoked a little ground fish;
  • all the garden of the work to exercise the protective gloves;
  • use only clean water for drinking;
  • do not swim in unknown waters;
  • carry out drug prevention helminths twice a year: in spring and in autumn.